Dear Black Muslim Woman

Bilkisu Ibrahim
Oct 11, 2020


Dear Black Muslim Woman,

Being the only Black Muslim Woman (BMW) in the room is a unique position to be in. You’re a curiosity, a magnet to be both admired and queried, revered and scrutinised, adjusted and to be accustomed to. So what does one do with this duality of being an anomaly and a rarity at the same time?

1. You are distinctive — particularly in terms of your perspective and experiences, which means you have plenty to say and bring to the table.

2. You are an ambassador — this isn’t an elected title it a duty and responsibility which has been bestowed upon you and to be handled with great care. You were chosen for this sis.

3. ‘I am free to be me’ — as a human being you have free will to do as you wish. However society expects much from you, indeed you are destined for greatness.

4. You have a voice that needs to be heard — you have been placed to be seen and heard, so why waste a divine opportunity such as this? Use your words, and share your reflections because you got this!

5. You are a vision — of what was, what is, what could be. You are Queen Bee, Black, Bold, Beautiful a BMW.


Your BMW sister



Bilkisu Ibrahim

Londoner | policy professional with a background in international development | sharing my perspectives and experiences as a Black Muslim Woman (BMW)